Can we remove ring stains and water sports on glasses?
Ring stains and water spots on glasses

We are sure you have seen ring stains and water spots like a picture.
When you wash your car, you realize there are plenty of ring stains and water spots on glasses...
Nowadays many cars use privacy glasses (smoked glasses) so that there are more chances to have those ring stains and water spots.
Why and how these ring stains and water spots are made?

There are so many things stuck on car glasses:
- Sand, dust and dirt
- Exhaust
- Oil contents from asphalts
- Bugs and bird droppings
- Salt (when a sea is close by) etc.
When those dirt are mixed with rain water and exposed to the sunlight, car glasses will have high chance to have ring stains and water spots. Also, the chlorine in the tap water can cause those problems.
Once ring stains and water spots are on glasses, those stains can be created on the stains already there hence a condition is getting worse and worse.
Polishing glasses to remove ring stains and water spots

Generally, there are two ways to remove those stains:
- Agent which melts stains
- Compound which polishes to remove stains
Some cases, agents which melt stains cannot be applied to front glasses and if you make mistakes, a glass will be bent therefore those products are not easy to handle.
On the other hand, compounds can be used for all car glasses and an application is quite easy and safe. Besides, there is the compound specially for polishing car glasses ,therefore by using this, you will have the best outcome.
Safe and easy to use compound for car glasses Click here for details!

Safe driving requires clean glasses.
Please check whether your car glasses are clean before driving.
Window water repellent coating Click here for details!
Anti-fog coating Click here for details!